New songs for October 2nd, 2023

 here they are:

"Atomic City" by U2:  U2 were and still are one of the biggest rock bands in the world, and they have stayed together for over 40 years! Although many know who they are and are familiar with their songs, not many seem to know that in their early years, U2 were heavily influenced by punk and post-punk groups of the day. It really shows here on their latest song, "Atomic City." Mixing darkly avant-garde poetry reminiscent of Patti Smith, the chugging beat and instrumentation of The Clash's "London Calling," and the vocal patterns and rhythm of Blondie's "Call Me," "Atomic City" sounds more like it would be at home in 1979 than in 2023, yet here it is! U2 have had many "comebacks" over the years, but they've rarely been as strong or compelling as this one! Highly recommended!!

"Cherry Baby" by Jenny Lewis: A short but sweet song, clocking at not even two and a half minutes, Jenny Lewis' "Cherry Baby" is a song that attempts to get things back to basics for the former Rilo Kiley frontwoman. Sounding more girl-group meets twee-pop than it does folk-rock or psychedelic, "Cherry Baby" is an anxious plea for love disguised as something cutesy enough to be placed in a pretty petite pink package for Valentine's Day. Not a whole lot to this song, but there doesn't need to be. It's good as it is.

"Modern Girl" by Bleachers: The Springsteen influence continues to inform Bleachers with their latest song, "Modern Girl," which starts with a blast of Clarence-esque sax playing underscored by a jagged yet melodic guitar that wouldn't sound out of place from Steven Van Zandt. Even the lyrics to this song are Springsteen-esque ("Friday night, killer queens hop a train on the scene") and contain references to Jersey, of which both the Boss and Bleachers' Jack Antonoff are natives. The two already dueted on "Chinatown." Perhaps this song could be taken to be Jack's love letter to Springsteen!


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