
Showing posts from June, 2023

New songs for June 20th, 2023

Yesterday was Juneteenth, so I decided to do my blog today instead of yesterday. Here are this week's songs: "Body" by Briston Maroney: Indie-folk-rocker Briston Maroney has added a bit more of a techno-pop influence to his music and blended it with acoustic guitar music in order to make his latest song, "Body," appeal to a wider audience than his previous material. The song, essentially, is a rumination on how life doesn't last forever, so we should make the most of it while we still can. Amidst slightly psychedelic flourishes midway through, "Body" is a breezy song overall that can really make you think about life! "Devotion" by Arlo Parks: Arlo Parks' take on neo-soul has been an interesting one. "Softly" involved a trip-hop influence, and her latest song, "Devotion," does as well, but "Softly" wasn't a very guitar-heavy song. "Devotion" actually is one, believe it or not. The guitars sta

New songs for June 12th 2023

 here they are: "Act Natural" by Margaret Glaspy: After 2016's one-two punch of gutsy, blues-rockin' adult alt radio hits "You and I" and "Emotions and Math," I never thought I'd hear from Margaret Glaspy again. Surprise! Seven years later, Margaret is back with a vengeance on the equally rockin' and equally gutsy "Act Natural." The song, like Margaret's previous two adult alt radio hits, explores the pitfalls of new relationships. Specifically, "Act Natural" centers around what it's like to be excited on the inside but calm on the outside when you have a new romantic relationship. I think we've all been there. "Francesca" by Hozier: If Hozier's adult alt radio smash from earlier this year, "Eat Your Young," could be aptly described as "creepy but catchy," then "Francesca" would probably best be described as a song that's powerful but sad. Probably the closest t