New songs for May 20th, 2024

 here they are:

"Foam" by Royel Otis:  A smooth, slinky mashup of indie-pop and funk, "Foam" is one of many songs contributing to the indie-pop landscape of the 2020's. The beat of the song recalls songs like "Lost in Yesterday" by Tame Impala, while the lyrics describe someone who has been wronged by the rumors another person has spread about them. The title most likely stems from the notion of washing one's mouth out with soap if they say "dirty" words.

"Long Dark Night" by Judah and The Lion:  When Mumford and Sons decided to abandon their banjo-based gimmick, another band was coming out of the woodworks to pick up where they left off, and that band was Judah and The Lion. JATL's latest, "Long Dark Night," is no exception to the rule! The song, like most of JATL's material, places a catchy banjo sound against an Imagine Dragons-esque backdrop. Though the song is bright and catchy, the lyrics of "Long Dark Night" suggest otherwise somewhat, describing someone who has been to hell and back, so to speak, but has still managed to find redemption despite their circumstances. 

"Solitary Road" by Charley Crockett:  Our last song of the week is one of the few times I've come close to liking country music. The song fuses country with rock in a way that recalls the rhythm and chord structure of Jimi Hendrix's version of "All Along the Watchtower." This song does not have the tame sound that country music has been known to have roughly since the early '90s. Instead, it hearkens back to a time when a country musician could be considered a rebel or an outlaw. Charley has traveled down a rough and rocky road, and in "Solitary Road," he tells the tale of it straight up!


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