New songs for August 12th 2024

 here they are:

 "Habits" by Gary Clark Jr.:  Known for being the 21st-century answer to Jimi Hendrix for some people, Gary Clark Jr. rarely presents a vulnerable, sensitive side to his material, but with Gary's latest song, "Habits," we get to see a poignant side to the blues-rocker extraordinaire. It's a heartbreaker of a song that could be about many things. He never says just what the "habits" are in his song, but it's implied that they're something of a personal nature, perhaps either drug related or anxiety related. Either way, "Habits" hits hard, in the best of ways!

"Kinky" by BBY:  Not sure how to pronounce this performer's name ("Baby"? "Bee-bee"? "Buh-bee"? "Bee-bee-why"?!), but man, their song sure is catchy! Driven by a flange-y guitar riff and a fast, danceable beat, "Kinky" has become a big hit on alt-rock radio, and adult alt radio is slowly but surely catching on to it. At only 2 minutes and 14 seconds, this is one heck of a summer party song!

"Live for You" by Thee Sacred Souls:  Last year, Thee Sacred Souls brought back the sounds of early '70s soul with "Love is the Way" and "Running Away." With a new album out, I wondered if Thee Sacred Souls would still hold up on their sophomore release, and thankfully, they have! Immediately, Marvin Gaye songs like "Mercy Mercy Me" and "What's Going On?" come to mind when listening to Thee Sacred Souls' latest, "Live for You." Even the lead singer's vocals sound Marvin-esque here! Though "Live for You" repeats a lot of lines, there is one verse that sticks out, and that's the middle part, where lead singer Josh Lane says, "Then from that place of love/You can love your neighbor/But only from that place of love/That starts in your very own heart." TSS have made it clear that much like legendary soul singers such as Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye, they are ready to go beyond romantic love songs and leap into the territory of universal love songs!

"Peaceful Place" by Leon Bridges:  And speaking of soul musicians with "retro" sounds, Leon Bridges is back with a new one as well! Leon has gone all over the map musically with all his albums so far. Though he is primarily a soul musician, he has covered a lot of subgenres of soul. With "Peaceful Place," he takes on a rather meditative sound that he never has before! The drums in the song sound almost like native African drums with a zen vibe that never gets too loud, and the guitars in the song blend smoothly with Leon's rich, velvety vocals. The song seems to be about finding solace in a world full of turmoil. We all need that these days, so thank you, Leon!

"Super Breath" by Karen O (featuring Danger Mouse):  Yet another entry into the neo-soul canon (or in this case, indie-rock-cum-neo-soul), "Super Breath" is a melancholy, minor key song punctuated by R & B rhythms. No Karen song is truly a "happy" one, but the minor key in this song gives the listener a way of knowing that the subject matter discussed will not be lighthearted, and it isn't. "Super Breath" is about unrequited love. The phrase "super breath" is not mentioned anywhere in the song, so I'm not sure how it got its title, but the subject matter is clear, especially with Karen repeatedly stating in the song that she's "not satisfied" but she "keeps coming back." 


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