New songs for July 1st 2024

 Half a year has gone by! Can you believe it?! Here are three new songs for this brand new month!

"Annihilation" by Wilco:  After a few albums of more countrified rock, Wilco go all psychedelic on us again with their latest song, "Annihilation"! The song's crunchy yet roots-y distortion brings to mind a lot of the songs Wilco put out in the '00s. As one might expect from a song with this title, the lyrics are rather apocalyptic, albeit with a romantic subtext. "This kind of annihilation is alright," Jeff Tweedy sings during the song's chorus. He seems to be referring to how, even though the world around him is starting to crash, he still has love to fall back on. Nothing says "love conquers all" like that, eh?!

"Lost" by Soccer Mommy: There's usually at least an undercurrent of angst in most Soccer Mommy songs. "Lost" is not one of them. This song is just pure bittersweet sadness in both the lyrics and the music, and it is also the closest to a pure folk-rock sound that Soccer Mommy has gotten so far. "Lost" is a lament about someone Sophia Regina Allison used to know who has since been deceased. The person in question is female, but Sophia never reveals who "she" is in the song's context. If you need a good song to cry to, this is a good one!

"You're So Impatient" by Pixies:  At over three decades into their career, alt-rock pioneers, Pixies, still have fire in their bellies! Their latest song, "You're So Impatient," roars just as mightily as many of their songs did in the late '80s and early '90s! From the kicking of the drums to the acidic, burning sound of Joey Santiago's guitar playing, "You're So Impatient" feels like a ticking time bomb, likely to explode at any second, and explode it does! The song is quick as a fuse, clocking in at only a little over 2 minutes long! We're not impatient anymore, now that you've gotten our attention!


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